Student Rules

Student code of behaviour
All students must respect the following rules. Failure to do so may result in your exclusion from class, suspension from your course or even expulsion from Cambridge College Australia (CCA).
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
- CCA prohibits the use of illegal drugs, the consumption of alcohol, and the possession of prohibited or dangerous articles at any course
- Mobile Phones and Pagers should be turned off before entry into classrooms or any training/assessment environment unless prior arrangements have been made with the trainer or person in charge.
- Students must follow the directions of their teacher/ trainer at all times
- Students are required to wear appropriate safety clothing and use equipment safely
- Students must not use inappropriate or offensive language, signs or gestures
- Violent behaviour will not be tolerated.
- Weapons cannot be carried onto CCA premises
- Racist behaviour will not be tolerated
- Sexual harassment will not be tolerated
- English is to be spoken during class and on campus at all times
- Fees must be paid as per the due date on the agreement/invoice
- An individual’s property is to be respected and not interfered with, without prior consent. Look after your own possessions, CCA accepts no responsibility for personal property lost or stolen
- Nobody has the right to interfere with another’s ability to learn through disruption of classes or harassment of any kind.
- No aggressive physical contact or verbal abuse is to occur between any persons at any time.
- Smoking is not permitted inside training facilities, Australian Law must be followed
- Drinking alcohol is not permitted inside training facilities.
- Eating or drinking is not permitted in any space other than the designated areas.
- Clothing and behaviour should be appropriate and not cause offence to anyone.
- Students MUST advise CCA of any change to their contact details including address, mobile number, email & emergency contact details, within 7 days of the change.
- Students are expected to be genuine/bona fide students in Australia to study and complete their course/qualification and therefore must attend class and progress in their course. Refer our Course Progress and Attendance Policies for further details. All disciplinary matters will be handled by the Director and/or CEO.
Dress code
Cambridge College Australia students do not need to wear a uniform. However, the following guidelines apply:
- Some courses may require specific protective clothing. Your teacher will give you specific details
- All students should wear clothes that are comfortable, practical and suitable to a learning environment
- CCA reserves the right to exclude students from class if they are dressed inappropriately
Your contact details
It is a requirement of your enrolment that you keep us informed at all times of your current address and provide the contact details of a person who can be contacted in case of emergency.
If you are an international student on a student visa, the following conditions apply:
You must tell your education provider:
- the address where you live in Australia within seven days of arriving in Australia
- if you change the address where you live within seven days of the change
- if you change education provider within seven days of receiving the electronic confirmation of enrolment certificate or evidence of enrolment.
Click here to notify us of a change in address or contact details.
The fees that are due for your enrolment are detailed on your Letter of Offer.
Note the following general rules:
- Administration fees are non-refundable
- Tuition fees are only refundable according to our school policy. Please see our website for the latest information
- Your agreement with the school is detailed in your Letter of Offer. This document is your commitment to pay the fees according to the schedule detailed therein. Failure to do so may result in your exclusion from your course or the cancellation of your enrolment
Please make sure that you are familiar with the payment schedule in your Letter of Offer that outlines when you need to pay your fees, and how much you need to pay on each occasion. You are responsible to keep up to date with this schedule.
When you make a payment to this account, you must notify us immediately giving the following details:
- Your full name
- Your date of birth
- The date of payment
- The amount
You may email this information to or complete the form on our website.
You are responsible to keep records of all payments you have made, receipts and all other financial information.
Monitoring course progress
It is a requirement of your visa that you make satisfactory course progress. We will monitor your academic progress and notify you if you are at risk of not progressing.
CCA is required to report students who have not met course progress requirements to the relevant government department. CCA will give you the opportunity to improve your progress and/ or submit evidence to support your case before reporting you.
Changing schools
If you are an international student on a student visa, there are special rules about changing schools:
- If you have not completed six months of your principal course (the main course of study you are undertaking) and you want to change your education provider, the ESOS National Code explains the circumstances in which this will be possible. Unless special circumstances apply, you usually need to have permission from your existing education provider to transfer to another education provider.
- If you want to transfer, your education provider must assess or consider your request to transfer. All education providers have documented procedures about their transfer policy. Make sure you understand your education provider’s transfer policy, and what your written agreement says you must do, before you attempt to enrol with a new education provider.
For more information, see the DHA website.
Student computers
- Student computers are available for all current Cambridge College Australia students to use free of charge
- You may obtain a user ID and password from your trainer
- While CCA takes due and proper care and has installed precautionary measures, the use of these computers is at your own risk. CCA will not be liable in any way for any personal loss caused by you using these computers
- Be mindful of your own security
- Always log out of any personal email or other accounts you access
- Never save personal material on the hard drive
- You are not guaranteed the use of a particular computer at a particular time
- The computers are available on a ‘first-come-first-served’ basis
- CCA does not operate a booking system
- CCA owns all content stored on these machines. Periodically and without warning, CCA will
- Conduct virus checks and disk cleanups
- Delete all student documents
- You may not install any software of any kind on these machines, including
- Other office-type programs
- Fonts, language packs, translators
- Students who abuse this privilege will be banned from using this equipment. Actions that may attract such discipline include, but are not limited to:
- Unauthorised software installation, no matter how benign or helpful the software is
- Accessing any inappropriate websites or content
- Use of the machines for the purposes of plagiarism
- Any kind of behaviour that would be considered harmful, illicit, unlawful, immoral or otherwise inappropriate, as determined by CCA.
- All computers have software installed that can
- Open and create Microsoft-formatted documents
- Open and create presentations (similar to PowerPoint)
- Open and create spreadsheets